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No concession to safety

“We try to lead the way in safety,” says Jan de Wringer, owner of Orangeworks, without hesitation. Both necessity and pride go hand in hand here. “We have an extensive safety culture and we are constantly working on it. Not only when it comes to our own employees, but certainly also for our - mostly international - customers.”
Safety from the start
Food safety is one of the most important topics for many Orangeworks customers. Logically that this is no different for Orangeworks employees, Koen Verstegen, managing director, explains. "During the design process our engineers pay a lot of attention to foodsafety. For example, our customers must be able to rely on our production-lines and machines not to pose a risk of contamination. That is why they must be properly cleanable and maintainable. We also check whether machines are easy and safe to operate for employees. In these and other ways, we strive to minimize risks and accidents for our customers. "
Ten fingers and ten toes
Not only for customers, but also at Orangeworks itself, safety is of paramount importance. “We have had very few accidents in recent years. In 2018 we aim for zero accidents resulting in absenteeism. A tall order? Far from that and even highly necessary, according to Koen. "Every accident is one too many. Put simply, I want my colleagues to go home after a working day with ten fingers and ten toes. At Orangeworks everything is arranged for working safely. Where we see possible improvements, we invest in them, both in time and in money. And, not unimportantly: we have a pleasant working environment where employees do not hesitate to speak to each other about working safely.”
The world as our workplace
“No customer is the same, no country is the same. With customers all over the world, we want to be well-informed and aware of the safety requirements set by clients,” continues Toon Tap, assembly specialist and collaborating foreman at Orangeworks. “In some countries the safety requirements are even stricter than in the Netherlands. We are attentive to that. Where necessary, we provide an extra safety training before the construction of our installation starts. On top of that, all our employees are VCA certified. And we make risk analyses that we also share with our customers. All of this contributes to food safety and employee safety. I dare to say that we meet 99.9% of our safety requirements this way.”
Since 1999, Orangeworks has been VCA certified. Since 2013 several Orangeworks Engineers and specialists have been certified for HACCP and EHEDG. Want to know more about quality and safety at Orangeworks? View the page about our approach and quality guarantee.