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"We want to bring value to our customers"

Although Pim Bos and Gert-Jan Langen only recently joined forces with the Orangeworks sales team, their names will already ring a bell with many customers. Their motive? “We do not want to sell machines, we want primarily to help our customers and solve their issues. That's why we get out of bed in the morning.”
Pragmatic in customization
Pim Bos is sales manager at Orangeworks since February 2017. He has plenty of experience in the food industry: for the past 20 years, he has worked at Rademaker and Marel / Stork, amongst others. “That is where my added value for customers comes from: I know their needs and understand their problems. Nonetheless, every question is different and we deliver customization. That's why I want to get as much information as possible during the sales process.” He likes the move to Orangeworks very well, he says enthusiastically. “At Orangeworks we work fast and pragmatically. Customers notice that. Moreover, they are part of the process throughout the process, from assignment to completion. It really is a joint effort.”
Understanding processes
Colleague Gert-Jan Langen has been account manager new business for Orangeworks since July 1st 2017. His background lies in the packaging industry, particularly in the food sector. With previous employers he had to deal with customers in in the end-phase, now at Orangeworks he is instrumental in the initial phase of a project. Whether that is an advantage? “Absolutely. I know the process, I know why certain things are or are not done and where problems can arise at a later stage. Understanding this whole process and thinking ahead has a lot of added value for customers.”
With the arrival of Gert-Jan, Orangeworks also gained a broad network. And that was also the intent, because the organization has the ambition to grow. Pim: “We have nine target markets, four of which focus on chocolate and sweets, drinks, pet food and water treatment. Within these areas, we actively search for parties who are looking for improvements and for strategic partnerships. And for our current customers we continue to look at how we can offer broader opportunities. We do all this internationally.”
Inside view of the workplace
In everything that Pim, Gert-Jan and the other colleagues of the sales team do, one thing is central, Gert-Jan continues: “We want to bring value to the customer and deliver on what we promise. Our primary concern is not to sell machines, but to provide sound advice and unburden our customers. This is often a complex process, because in a company the perspectives and needs of different parties involved can be very different.” To find out what a customer really needs? For that, an inside look at the factory is the best way. “We can see with our own eyes how processes are going and how things like installation and piping are done, and then give all-round advice. This is often welcome, because more and more customers lack this knowledge or the engineers to do it for them. Orangeworks can then be a partner in complete engineering.”
Innovative projects
When will Pim be content? “Apart from gaining positive results and having satisfied customers, I think it is important to create a good working atmosphere and an environment where employees are happy in their work. Both Gert-Jan and I try to bring humour and fun to the team.” Both colleagues also share that enthusiasm when they look at the future: “We can offer enough distinctive power compared to competing companies. Our vertical start-up method, in particular, remains unique. We first build the entire installation in-house so that we can test every detail properly. The result is that the building of the installation at the customers site runs smoothly and in the shortest possible time. The customer can therefore start producing faster.”
Apart from that, Orangeworks has other innovative projects running. “We cannot say anything about that yet, but 2018 promises to be a great year. So be sure to keep an eye on our newsletter!”