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Partnership Actemium & Orangeworks

Partnership Actemium & Orangeworks: 1 solution for clients
Orangeworks and Actemium’s cooperation goes back many years. During the last three years both companies have intensified their worldwide collaboration. This has yielded a very good relationship. However, the question was raised how we could establish a partnership from which our customers can benefit even more.
“One Stop Shop”
As of March 2014 this partnership has been established. With this partnership we are able to provide our local and global customers a “One Stop Shop” approach & solution.
A partnership is the logical choice as both companies are complementary to each other. Provide “One Solution” where the integration between the process, controls & mechanical elements will be guaranteed. Customers can have full focus on their core business, while Staalwerk & Actemium will take care of the required process solution.
Specialties of Actemium and Orangeworks
Orangeworks takes responsibility for the mechanical & process part. Actemium will take care of the controls part. This results in the following joint scope of supply:
- Design for process, skid & automation
- Manufacturing for of equipment and electrical installation
- Integration of the mechanical equipment & electrical installation in “One Solution”
- Skids delivered plug & play
- Vertical start-up
- Complete off line dry & (if necessary) wet testing (FAT)
- Packing, transport, on-site supervision, installation & commissioning
Training, after sales & service level agreements